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I am a retired Middle School teacher from Naperville, Illinois ( a suburb of Chicago) with over 28 years of teaching experience, and I earned my Masters Degree in Teaching and Learning. I enjoy working with middle school students to help them achieve their highest potential and become positive community contributors.
My husband retired from the Naperville Police Department in March 2021, I retired from teaching in June 2021, and we moved to Clarksville late June 2021. We have two sons, our oldest is a Sargent in the Army and he will transfer to Fort Stewart in August 2024. Our youngest is a Senior at the University of Missouri majoring in Business Administration and we are extremely proud of our sons.
Since retiring and becoming an empty nester, I have discovered that I do not do well sitting still and I am excited to work again with middle schoolers. This position provides me the opportunity to work with MCMS students and help them achieve their highest potential.
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